
GMO Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

Each new generation has become increasingly wary of the products they consume due to the escalating concerns about personal health and longevity. As a result of this trend, the consumption of organic produce has been inflating in the recent years. Consumers assume that anything labeled with “organic” on it is deemed to be superior as they are plagued with the belief that organic goods possess numerous benefits to one’s health and the environment. As these reasons are spread around between consumers, genetically modified organisms (also known as GMOs) have grown a bad reputation amongst health advocates as being inferior to organic produce. However, people fail to see that there are no significant differences between GMOs and organic produce that justify making the latter a preferred choice in the market. In fact, scientific evidence even suggests that GMOs can be considered better than organic produce as they are found to be preferable for varying reasons, such as being more beneficial to the environment and being higher quality. Therefore, consumers need to suspend their suspicions of genetically modified produce being a subpar product that supposedly results in detrimental effects, compared to organically …show more content…

“Organic Foods: Health and Environmental Advantages and Disadvantage” describes that consumers suppose that farming organics is more benign to the environment since “organic farms do not use or release synthetic pesticides into the environment, some of which have the potential to harm soil.” Consumers get a sense of security knowing that their food is safe from toxins like pesticides, as well as a sense of responsibility for improving the earth’s welfare. This has become an increasingly important factor for purchasing organic foods, as the push for more environmentally friendly options has been increasingly prominent in this day and

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