Gage Rucker, my little brother the newest addition to the family. Gage Rucker is nine and has brown eyes and hair. He is about four foot five. As a toddler he never really was much of a talker, but now he’ll never shut up. Olivia Rucker the only girl of the family, always says how annoying he is, but I couldn't disagree more he is always saying how much of a “Mini Me” he is. There has been some rough times between the brothers though. When Gage was about five he was running up to my room for no apparent reason. I said no,I won't let you in. Gage whines and complains and always says,” Pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaase”.Gage swung the door wide open without thinking and knocked over a four week old lego project that I was finishing up on. It was like slow motion in my eyes. I saw my lego master piece fall from the top of the dresser, bouncing off of open dresser drawers, then finally crashing on the floor and shattering. NOOOOOOOO, I yelled but that didn't change a thing. Four freaking weeks of effort and lego structure down the drain! I was mad at Gage for a week, but then accepted that Gage was only five and it was just legos. …show more content…
Small frozen crystals are falling from the sky, everything outside is white, it's winter. Gage, me, and Olivia are outside having fun in the snow on Saturday. Olivia had this great idea to make a giant snowman, so everyone started gathering snow for the bottom, middle, and top part of the snowman. Half an hour passed and they finally had all the body parts gathered up and put in one piece. I rushed at Gage and picked him up and threw him into the giant snowman.With a big crunch the snowman crumbled on top of Gage. There was a silence for about five seconds and then we all broke out in laughter. Gage makes the biggest impression on me because without a little brother I think I would act a lot differently if I didn't have anyone watching me every second of everyday. I think I would be less caring. I wouldn't be the brother/ friend I am
It was one gloomy night, no cars were out, and the only lights on were the hockey rink lights. It was getting ready to downpour and thunder started to rumble. The Tinkles hit the ice and began their warm ups. Just like any other warmup they would skate around the arena and after a little bit they would take some shots on their goalie. After time after time waiting for their opponent. A huge burst of lightning hit the rink and the power went out. Soon after, the rink started to shake and the ice split open. The lights turn on and they found their opponent.
It was December and the day was cold. The wind blew rapidly and incoherently as the village folk worked on the crops and attend to their many cattle. Then, something started falling from the was snowing. Normally this isn’t a big deal,
But it was different, it was a memory of his own. Trying to keep themselves warm in the cold weather, Jonas struggled to see through the swirling white snow, but sense warmth and life ahead. Reaching the top of the hill, he saw a sled waiting for him. He got on with Gabe, tugging on the ropes and hugging him close. The snow soon became soft and powdery with no ice, no chance of falling, and no pain. He took a leap of faith and started going down, still holding Gabe tight
This morning some locals found a person lying in a ravine. From the looks of it he has been there since the first snow fall because he body was frozen. The person known as Mr. George Harvey from Pennsylvania he is suspected to be a part of many murders of young women. Detective Len Fenerman says “ Now that Mr. Harvey is found dead hopefully the sports of the ones he killed can now finally be put to rest because their murderer is finally dead.” Mr. Harvey had fallen of the ravine by getting hit in the head by something, and since it was winter the police thinks it was probably hit in the head by an icicle then lost his balance momentarily which lead him to fall to his death. “A moment later, the icicle fell. The heavy coldness of it threw him
First of all, Stacey, 12 years old boy, is the oldest son in the Logan’s family.
He’s very smart and, without a doubt, will be the brother that makes it out of their infested neighborhood. Lajoe Rivers is the mother of the boys and she tries to give them as much encouragement as she can, though it is hard because her eldest son failed her by turning to the streets and going to prison.
I stumbled backwards into a snow drift. Then something incredible happened, the snowman came over to me. He didn't walk he just rolled kind of. The snowman had a kind face. I call out for Charlie, but he had still not moved, it was like he was frozen in time.
John Walker is driving in a snowy morning to work to publish his new book. Suddenly his car was forced out of the road by a blizzard. The car flipped four times before coming to a stop. The impact against the trees knocked him unconscious. By the time he woke up everything was dark and the temperature was below zero. Blood was coming out of his head from a cut he got during the crash. He struggled to get out of the car, but his legs were stuck between the driver’s seat and the steering wheel. He tried to break the window with his freezing hands as he stumbled to get free. After painfully pulling his legs out; he crawled out of the broken window. Once he got through the window and was exposed to the freezing temperatures, he realized there were
Tall, brown eyes and creative, the funniest person in the room and makes you want to laugh. He was the only one there for me when I needed a second hand or to have each other's backs, he means the world to me. The only friend I had as a little kid, my brother A.K.A. Michigan hero.
As I turned around, I saw the snowman was waving his little arm made out of a twig. We then ran inside out of fear and made some hot chocolate. I put mine in the microwave and we waited. Charlie was still in shock and could not believe that the snowman actually communicated with us. As he was drinking his hot chocolate, his hand was shaking and some of it even spilled due to the shakiness.
Concerned about our health after over an hour in a snowstorm, my mom told us to come inside. While we ate lunch my sister explained to my mom what we were doing. Jokingly my mom commented that it couldn’t be a snowman with only one part, but my sister snapped back calling that statement mean and that “Gerald”, our snowman, is just a bit thicker than most. When freed from the prison of modern air-control systems, we went back out to expand our ball. We were the Prince and as the King of All Cosmos commanded, we rolled the white world into our Katamari. Our neighbors came outside and helped us push the now very heavy ball as well. By the end of the day, the ball was over five feet tall, and rough napkin (or hand in my case) math put it at around 750 pounds. Good thing the snow was soft or we would have had to stop long
The atmosphere is gray and white. When we do get snow, the woods look so pure and majestic that you would think that you were dreaming. The blanket of white in the trees and on the grass brings me vivid memories. The winter of 2009 was the year a snow storm pelted our humble town. Twelve inches of snow covered every object in the path of the merciless storm. One of my best friends, Chandler, and I went snow sledding in the midst of the woods. The laughter and joy I experienced that winter will carry with me as long as I live. The cold blushed my cheeks and turned my face a bright red. I closed my eyes and pushed off from the top of the hill. The sled accelerated down the winter wonderland. The sled eventually came to a halt. My family and friends were laughing as I crashed into a bush down below the next time I went. After picking myself up, I was laughing hysterically. We each took turns on the natural roller
When I woke up again from my deep sleep, I got re-dressed and headed out to my car. The snow was still deep as ever, the wind was still bitter, dry, and freezing cold. I warmed my car before I headed out and I headed back inside for a little while to wait for the car to heat. As I sat inside the warm and cozy house my mother warmed me to watch out for the thick spots of snow and ice because I could slide and crash into something. As I continued to sit in the warm house, I started to remember things my parents would tell me about people sliding off the road and going off the road. Of course I had the thought in my head that it would
It was a frigid day in December. I wore so many clothes that I looked like a penguin. Every breath I took makes a small cloud and scattered. The gloves I worn seemed to be mildness like paws. The buildings behind me were covered by the thick snow. The wall became more brick-red because of the spotless white snow. Some snowflakes drift down on my hair gently. The snow was heavy, but not much wind. My friends bounced from worm house and laughed to me. “We should build a snowman. The snow is heavy enough.” One of my friends advised. We all cheered and started to pile the snow together.
heard that it was possible for us to get a snow day but before I went to bed I saw it wasn't even snowing so I figured we wouldn't have one. I looked out my window and saw it was super windy and snowing very hard. I got super excited since I couldn't even seen my neighbors house. Usually if we couldn't see that it meant we had a snow day. I pulled the news on my phone to check if we had a snow. First thing I saw was that over a hundred schools had one! Surely we would be one of them. I scrolled down to the bottom since Zeeland is always at the bottom. “What” I yelled inside my head. “How on earth do we not have a snow day” I thought to myself.