
Galatians Chapter 3 Summary

Decent Essays

I read 100% of the assignments for week three. The targeted audience for the letter to the Galatians obviously centered around the inhabitants of Galatia at the time he wrote it, who considered themselves believers. Paul wrote to this group of people with intentions of bringing to light their waywardness from what he previously taught them, for as Gundry (2012) aptly stated, “he is shocked that the Galatian Christians are deserting to another Gospel” (p. 391). The Judaizer’s influence on them upset Paul, and this concept of being swayed by others who twist Scripture and impose unnecessary rules is an issue strewn throughout Christian history. Needless to say, Galatians is a big deal both historically and currently as it offered guidance to the people of Paul’s day, but has continued to do so for future …show more content…

The notion of having to follow strict rituals for worthiness of God’s grace naturally sets one up for failure, due to unrealistic and self-imposed expectations. Legalism penetrates one’s spiritual life by creating the idea that grace is obtained through one’s personal effort; therefore, nullifying the cross and assigning mankind with undeserved divine power. Paul’s address in Galatians chapter 3 of, “O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth…” (Galatians 3:1, NKJV) could apply to the general population of any time in history and state “O foolish people”, as man’s fleshly state is not always immune from persuasion. Our society has nurtured a culture of to-do lists and fruitless distractions keeping us busy, but maybe not to the betterment of our walk with the Lord. There are even those within the Christian circle that impose particular amounts of Bible reading, time spent with home groups, and church ministry involvement as a means to narrow down the “good and loyal” members of the

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