
Gang And Violence Article Summary

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In the article “gang and violence in California’s Youth Correction Facilities: A research foundation for developing effective Gang policies” is the article where I got my research question from. It states how many youths in gangs that are incarcerated have recognized that they need treatment for their drug abuse, but are less likely to participate in drug programs. They are less likely because they have shown more of a distrust in staff as well as the staff having lower levels of trust from the staff, they have more negative outlooks when it comes to treatment services. All of these caused a problem because the rapport needed for these services to be effective are hindered because of the attitudes of the gang members from both genders. In an effort to help the gang members the DJJ created a program known as “The Blueprints for Gang Prevention Initiative” This program was created to be different approach in dealing with gang issues (Maxson et la 2012, 7). In the article “Gender Differences in the perception of drug users treatment: assessing Drug user treatment for youth offenders” Its main focus is on the males and females participate in the drug programs, this is by the use of a nine month residential program that had to do with counseling …show more content…

Males preferred counselors to be able to their own experiences. In the treatment process according to the article its states that females in the drug programs were more likely to have personal growth in many areas that have connected to them being in the drug treatment programs. Males who ended the program had little to no progress since they started the program (Hegamin, Anglin and Farabee 2001, 2165). For the treatment needs both males and females stated that they preferred one on one counseling opposed to group according to what is gotten from this

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