
Gap Year

Satisfactory Essays

Breanna Bowlin Joseph Kane English 1010 December 7, 2012 Beneficial Time Off For most Americans the traditional next step after graduating high school is enrolling into college. This causes an extreme pressure on high school graduates to continue on being a full time student whether it be from parents, fear of losing heath care, or watching friends go away to college. Many students to fall into the belief that quickly getting through the next four years of college to obtain a degree is the best way to lead to the beginning of career success and the next phase of their lives. However, dedicating oneself to a university is a task that takes extensive amounts of time with careful and precise planning, which most high school seniors do …show more content…

The Milkround, a graduate recruitment firm, completed a survey asking 387 respondents who were already out of college and into the workforce how they felt about their career choice. Almost 75% reported to be satisfied or very satisfied in their jobs. Likewise, from the earlier study conducted by Haigler it was also found to have an overwhelming report of satisfied career choices from students who took a gap year. These studies confirm that the helpful time off to explore career options can be appreciated and well worth it long after doing so. Although a gap year can be miraculously beneficial to students, it is not often practiced. This may be due to the people who are not comfortable with the thought of taking a year off, in fear that they will not

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