
Gas Chromatography Lab

Decent Essays

Results When observing the gas chromatography curves, it was evident that there were two pentenes in the unknown mixture, GC_7. This is due to the two peaks on the graph with retention periods (minutes) of 2.802 and 2.883 for the first and second peaks, respectively. The area under the first peak was 36 (m2) and the second was 164 (m2). The compound affiliated with the first peak was 18% of the whole mixture. The compound affiliated with the second peak was 82% of the whole mixture. The theoretical plate for the first peak was 7.851 and the second peak was 8.312. The resolution of these two compounds was 0.0205. Ultimately, the data collected gave a result to indicate there was clearly two prominent compounds that compose the unknown mixture.

When observing the thin-layer chromatography, it was evident that two compounds from experiment 5 expressed no impurities. There was one yellow band from the ferrocene dot, one red band from the acetylferrocene dot, and two yellow and red bands from the standard consisting of both …show more content…

The two pentenes were trimethyl-1-pentene and trimethyl-2-pentene. The methods to reach this conclusion were different, then those used in the thin-layer chromatograph. A gas chromatograph consisted of a gaseous mobile phase, carrier gas, and a non-volatile liquid as the stationary phase in a heated system that collected its results from a flame ionized detector. A thin-layer chromatograph consisted of a volatile liquid mobile phase, and a silica layer on an absorbable paper as the stationary phase. The results of the TLC was observable on the TLC plate after the separation, as a graph was needed to physically see if the compounds in the gas chromatograph were separated. These differences in procedure relates to the type of chromatography that was needed to separate specific compounds based on their unique or similar

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