
Gateway Experience : Gateway Course

Decent Essays

Gateway Experience: In the beginning of this academic year, I was apprehensive about professors and how they would interact with their students. However, after meeting with my Gateway instructor and his teaching assistant, my apprehension subsided. Through meeting with my instructor and the teaching assistant, I was able to form a better understanding of what professors are there for. I was greeted with kindness and my questions never went unanswered. Furthermore, because of this experience, it became clear to me that professors are there to help you understand the material and give you access to the many resources offered on campus. Throughout my Gateway experience, I have been able to understand the future impact that I can make on my community. In Gateway, I learned several things that I otherwise would not have collected. Because of this course, I have become a better and more informed student. The Gateway course consisted of more than just learning about our professors; it also helped develop a better comprehension of the future years here at the University of Oklahoma. In Gateway, were were assigned three different projects entitled “Education and Career Planning Projects” or “ECP’s” These projects included a degree comparison worksheet, a two-year academic planning worksheet, a career profile, and a resume. These allowed me to learn about what path I wanted to follow. For instance, if I did not do the degree comparison worksheet, I would not have known that I wanted

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