
Gatorade Vs Peaches

Satisfactory Essays

Ever wonder why it costs so much to eat healthy? It doesn’t! Organic foods cost more but that doesn’t mean that the food is healthy or good for you. Eating healthy is a very important thing to make sure you do, healthy eating is healthy for you! Ever eaten a Poptart or peaches? Believe it or not peaches contain more sugar since they’re packaged in liquid sugar, which eventually the peaches soak in. “Del Monte” peaches contain 5 ½ teaspoons of sugar per serving while Poptarts only have 4 ½ teaspoons of sugar per serving. Ever drank a Gatorade during a sport activity or game to quench thirst? Most people buy larger containers of Gatorade or sports drinks, Gatorade has about 3, 4, or even 5 servings per bottle (depending on ounce and size),

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