
Essay about Gay Marriage Should be Legal Despite Being Immoral

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On June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court ruled that the US Constitution guarantees the right for same-sex couples to marry. Many conservatives are completely against gay marriage and they have stated that they will fight to have the Supreme Court ruling overturned. There are a number of reasons opponents to gay marriage argue that the Supreme Court has made a huge mistake . First, certain religious interpretations maintain that gay marriage is sinful. Fortunately, our country is not a theocracy and public policy should not be based on any religion's values. If a person's religious convictions cause them to believe that gay marriage is wrong, that is personal to them, and that viewpoint should not be thrust onto others. Another argument …show more content…

Certainly married couples will not feel that their marriage has been cheapened simply because the institution is becoming open to more people. Some would even argue that the institution of marriage is losing its meaningfulness anyway. As we have discussed, the divorce rate in this country is around fifty percent, and it often seems like Hollywood mega-stars get married one week and divorced the next.

Contrary to what some gay marriage opponents maintain, gay couples will not raise gay children on a disproportionate level, because homosexuality is not a choice any more than height or eye color is. Do heterosexual couples always raise heterosexual children? In addition, the "slippery slope" argument about gay marriage is simply ridiculous. There are those who argue that if we allow same-sex couples to get married, it is not long before polygamy or beastility or people marrying animals becomes legal. Those are completely separate issues and should be dealt with individually. Acceptance of one does not automatically imply or necessitate acceptance of another. Obviously, animals do not have rights on the same level as humans do. The comparison of a marriage between two men and between a man and an animal is utterly ridiculous and insulting. Animals do not have legal standing; animals cannot sign marriage licenses.

Civil unions are frequently

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