
Gay Porn And Pornography

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Pornography as an industry that has the ability to shape and mold pre-teen and young-adult lives. Queer porn exists as a fetish, arguably for heterosexual individuals more-so than homosexual individuals. Pornography serves as a mechanism for learning about sex and sexual acts for almost all individuals trying to figure out their bodies, but what does this industry actually promote? Gay pornography, as a focus, has formational ties to dominance, the socially constructed closet, and queer death as a whole. Porn exists as a pleasure system that suffices to satisfy sexual proclivities. To get to the root of how porn creates the want for dominance, we also must consider the differences that exists between gay porn and lesbian porn. Lesbian …show more content…

Bersani also speaks about how “…the moral taboo on ‘passive’ anal sex” and how to be penetrated is equal to relinquishing power. The power dynamic that is projected through gay porn also serves as anti-female propaganda. The submissive party is usually portrayed as weak, having no control, and the sexual acts are more likely to be seen as being forced upon this individual. From a heterosexual standpoint, the woman is the submissive party. In today’s society, a woman is arguably the worst thing someone can be, so when submissiveness is connected to the insertee, one may tend to link that to femininity; the worst thing one can have, assuming femininity is linked to womenhood. While pornography works as a pleasure system, it can also work as a means of support for individuals who are not open with their sexuality. The closet is a socially constructed safety net that protects queer individuals. Positive queer representation in the media is almost non-existent, but pornography allows queer individuals to see themselves on a national platform. When queer characters are incorporated in books and on the screen, they usually have tragedy connected to them. In a way, because of this, porn can be seen as liberating; it is a platform that embraces homosexuality and doesn’t conclude with queer death or disaster. No, gay pornography is not the saving-grace in terms of queer representation, but as discussed in The Celluloid

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