
Geert Hofstede Cultural Perspective Theory

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Geert Hofstede theorized the Cultural Dimensions theory, which allows categorisation of countries or societies into different dimensions, explaining the effects of a society’s culture on the values of its population. (Hofstede, G. 2009) The dimensions are as follows - power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism vs. collectivism, masculine vs feminine, and long term or short term orientation. By focusing on the individualist vs. collectivist dimension, the impact of geographical location on suicide rates could potentially be explained.

Members of individualistic cultures place an emphasis personal rights, innovation, and self-expression. Individualistic cultures tend to focus more on themselves rather than groups of people and prioritize their own personal gains and achievements. Independence is valued; there is less importance is placed on helping other citizens of the community than in collectivistic societies. Countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia are examples of individualistic cultures. In contrast, collectivistic cultures place an emphasis on collaboration, shared interests and harmony, and focus on loyalty and cooperation. Collectivist cultures therefore tend to value group efforts over an individual’s, and each person is encouraged to be an active person in society. Southeast Asia, South and Central …show more content…

Therefore, individualistic people tend to not display suicidal behavior, because individualistic people grow up in types of environment that builds their EQ, which reduces the chances of them attempting suicide as individualists are better prepared for harmful and stressful situations. In contrast to collectivistic where uniqueness is not favoured and harmony amongst peers are. This shows that different cultures have different sets of beliefs and rules which defines how a person behaves and react to certain

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