
Gender Bias Within The Workplace

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Gender bias is a concept that is seen every day, where society has taken upon itself to place male and females in certain stereotypical categories. For instance, gender bias in the workforce is one of the most common areas where women and men are treated differently. Women are "supposed to" work in fields such as nursing, office work, and so on; while men work in the fields of construction, engineering, athletics, etc.. In addition, there is a clear difference in the pay amount and promotions that men and women receive. What’s the situation and where does it need changing? What laws have been passed?
Before anything, some may ask, what gender bias is well, gender bias can be defined as the discrimination of one gender, giving the other gender more favoritism. Gender bias can also refer to the unequal treatment of certain individuals, whether female or male. This treatment can be clearly seen in the workplace standpoint.
Gender bias in the workforce has been present for centuries. It is a persistent problem that, despite the progress that has already has been made, there is still much to be done before it can disappear. A Gender stereotypic viewpoint in the workforce has been passed down from generations to generations, and these sorts of ideas are hard to get rid of.
For years men and women have followed a certain stereotype, with the woman being a simple housewife, staying with the children and sharing an unbreakable maternal bond with them. As Cystal Hoyt, Aleah Goldin,

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