
Gender, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer And Questioning Youths ' Perspectives Of Inclusive School Based Sexuality Education

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A research article in the Journal of Sex Research that is titled Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning Youths’ Perspectives of Inclusive School-Based Sexuality Education is expected to have bias shown throughout the paper to the reader. The title of the research article explains that it is written based off the study group’s perspective. The main purpose as outlined in the first paragraph of the introduction is “this exploratory study is to begin to develop a framework of what it means for sexuality education to be inclusive of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning (LGBTQ) youth, from the perspective of the youth themselves” (Gowen & Winges-Yanez, 2014 p. 788). Gowen and Winges- Yanez strives to …show more content…

Furthermore, in the methodology section of the article, the reader learns how far influenced the authors’ perspectives and opinions are. Gowen and Winges-Yanez (2014) assert, “this research is conducted utilizing aspects of critical humanism … Critical humanism proposes that research and its methodologies are not valueless or completely objective (p. 789). The methods for this article are 5 focus groups in the state of Oregon that are from LGBTQ youth centers and include urban and rural centers with both authors acting as facilitators to two of the groups. It is also learned that one author has a social work background and the other has a civil rights law background. Safety, consent and confidentiality were stressed to focus group participants during the information gathering sessions. Additionally, bias can be easily identified in the Data Analysis section of the paper. The authors stress that the data collected did have a precedent for analysis. The authors conclusions were presented such as, “it became apparent that there were very few examples of inclusive sexuality education experienced by the participants” (Gowen & Winges-Yanez, 2014 p. 790). Apparent to whom, the article does not specify. The readers are left to speculate that it was apparent to the authors. We also learn that the data was also given to two additional people to serve as auditors for assessment of the materials, though no background information was

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