
Gender Deviance And Occupation Analysis

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In the article “Gender Deviance and Household Work: The Role of Occupation” Schneider discussed the roles between the male and female genders within the household and work place. Schneider explains the conception of gender norms that are expected by society, as well as, gender deviance and neutralization. Schneider touches on some important ways in which our cultural conceptions of gender roles can be shaped by economic processes. Schneider also provides alternative measures that contribute to the household work performed and carried out by the man and woman. He believes that gender deviance may be created through the kind of work the man and woman do, not just their income. Schneider results that there is “pronounced gender inequality” in the amount of time men and women spend on housework (Schneider, 1045). The gender roles lead our society into misconstrued “duties/responsibilities”. …show more content…

Stereotypically, in the Latino culture the men are known for being the breadwinners and work outside of the home to bring in the income. The women are branded to be the homemaker and caretakers. Ultimately, the men go to work all day and expect to come home and be served by their wife, in addition to, the home and children being taken care of and under control. Furthermore, Schneider’s article compliments the information we discussed in class covering the Cognitive dimension of prejudice and the Latinos being stereotyped for men having multiple jobs and the women staying home and having multiple

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