
Gender Inequality In America

Decent Essays

Growing up in the small town of Luverne which housed 4,000 people and a graduating high school class of 80 where my class-mates are not just primarily white, but almost 100 percent white I had a skewed view of the world. I didn’t question the system, I never questioned the dress code rules for girls in my school; I never questioned the sex education we received and I didn’t question the lack of female teachers and advisors of color. I was living in a bubble of ignorance. During my time in high school I knew I looked different from my classmates. They had blonde hair straight, blue eyes and skinny bodies. I had brown hair, brown eyes, and a fuller body. During my high school years, I did many things to try to push away my Hispanic culture and …show more content…

I no longer have this skewed and blissfully ignorant view of our society. I now have the ability to identify areas of law, media, and words people choose to use as problematic and sources of gender inequality. I have decided, as a feminist, as a woman of color, and as a future graduate of Hamline with a women’s studies major to not let people get away with saying things that could feed into systemic and institutionalized sexism and racism. As a future graduate with a paralegal certificate, I hope to obtain a job out of Hamline that can work directly with individuals who have suffered because of our white male supremacist society. As an active member of society, I will use my women’s studies education to identify areas of the media that have been skewed by the patriarchy, which I have seen is …show more content…

Radical feminist theory has very much influenced my view on the law, and why I need to invest time as a lawyer and as a women of color because as a society, we need people holding positions of influence be representative of the demographic. As a Latina, it is very important to me to give a voice to the group of people that are directly affected by the patriarchy and white supremacy. As a lawyer, or someone who works in law that has a background of women’s studies can fully understand the laws that have been created, they can understand that the laws need to change, because they are not helping the

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