
Gender Roles Within The KA Immigrant Family

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The values of Confucianism such as collectivism, conformity to norms, shame, patriarchal and hierarchal family systems, and rigid gender roles have a strong impact on the structure of and roles within the KA immigrant family (J. Lee, Wachholtz, & Choi, 2014; Postmus & Hahn, 2007). This philosophical and cultural idea maintains the husband’s authority and dominance over his wife and reinforces the wife’s submission to her husband’s governing role (B. Kim, Titterington, Kim, & Wells, 2010; J. Lee et al., 2014; Postmus & Hahn, 2007). Obedience, subservience, quietness, and purity represent the virtues of good Korean women (Moon, 2005; Tran & Des Jardins, 2000), and suffering and perseverance are valued virtues in Korean culture (Song & Moon, 1998;

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