
Gender, Sexual, And Gender

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“Sex refers to a person 's biological status and is typically categorized as male, female or intersex. There are a number of indicators of biological sex, including sex chromosomes, gonads, internal reproductive organs and external genitalia” (Anon 2012). Sex is typically categorized by either male or female. Your sex is your sex and there isn 't much you can do to change that. We are unable to alter our genetic makeup which has a great deal to do with our sex. Every individual is either a male or a female but your gender is somewhat up to you. Your gender can vary and change over time. It could have a different meaning depending on the culture, a geographic location, or even a specific group of individuals. “Gender refers to the …show more content…

But in today 's society, your sex only determines your external genitalia, not who you truly are. Your sex is a physical aspect of your body, while you sex category and gender is your mental aspect. Once you consider yourself or placed yourself into a sex category, you take on the roles of that sex. Some even take it as far taking on the features and dressing like their gender preference. You see this in many homosexual individuals. Males acting and dressing like females and females acting and dressing like males. “According to the sex-role theory, we acquire our gender identity through socialization, and afterward we are socialized to behave in masculine or feminine ways” (Kimmel 2000:131). Society basically shows individuals how to masculine or feminine, whether it is a man being masculine or feminine or a woman being feminine or masculine.
“Doing gender” is performing the activities and exhibiting the traits that are prescribed for us. “A person’s gender is not simply an aspect of what one is, but, more fundamentally, it is something that one does, and does recurrently, in interaction with others” (Kimmel 2000:131). You can appear to be a male or a female, but your actions may appear of the opposite sex. “Heterosexual men, for example, who identify with their sex but not the social characteristics typically associated with dominant masculinity, may find that they are bullied and not considered to be a ‘proper’

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