
Gendered Logics And The Representation Of The Workplace

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Gendered logics are embedded in the taken for granted practices and assumptions of the workplace. The notion of hegemonic masculinity is the standard to which subordinate men and women are live up to and are compared in relation to. Power and privilege are consequently allotted to and maintained by the dominant group. “Thus occupations and organizations are important arenas in which masculinities are defined and maintained and challenged” (Lupton 2010). This illustrates that men are concerned with preserving their identities as being masculine. Since historically men were required to earn a family wage to support his family, the workplace is where men prove their manhood. But those men that enter female sex typed jobs have their reputations as ‘men’ harmed. While safeguarding their male gender identity, men leverage their position as a dominant group to acquire privileges that their female counterparts are excluded from. Rather then being an oppressed group, men who venture over the line into sex typed female jobs sit in an advantaged arrangement.
Simpson (2004) was aimed at discovering why men entered feminized occupations, what the positive and negative outcomes of being in female dominated work were and how are they related to gender identity. The study was based on interviews with forty male employees in occupations of primary school teaching, flight attendance, librarians and nursing that mostly women are employed in, because of the associated female biological

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