
Genetic Modification Is Not A New Process Essay

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Over the past 30 years, the field of genetics has blossomed into one of the fastest growing and most funded fields of science around the world. One major breakthrough known as Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) has shifted the way we view DNA and might be the single most important discovery for the future of life on planet Earth. Once there is a better understanding of CRISPR and its CAS9 enzyme, and any potential shortcomings are addressed, the amount of change that CRISPR could make on society could be world changing. Genetic Modification is not a new process. In non-human animals it has been done, most notably with Dolly the Sheep. However, for centuries, techniques such as selective breeding and hybrid crops have been practiced, which are forms of genetic modification. With the help of CRISPR and CAS9 we could be on the verge of leaving those techniques light years in the past. These clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats first began to pop up in scientific journals back in 1987 (Clark). Scientists originally studying the bacteria E.coli noticed a couple of strange things. First, they noticed that the DNA sequences of bacteria had patterns that would show up regularly. This is very unique in a sequence that could be billions of base pairs long. However, these patterns seemed to be surrounded by complete randomness. Through the years of 1987-2012 it was found that E.coli was not alone, and that almost every bacteria cell

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