
Genetics Of Asthma Research Paper

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Genetics of Asthma
Much research has been done in the past recently years about the genetics of asthma and what exactly causes it. Many all that have done research claim that asthma “ the procession from linkage to the actual identification of the gene has proven to be difficult” that being said plenty of work done in labs and experiments provide evidence of chromosomes, diseases, and of the environment that shows asthma is genetic (Koppelman et al). In this paper I hope to provide the average person with the same knowledge that I have attained by reading theses scholarly articles that ultimately showed that, even though the exacts of the genes of asthma are unknown, educational information has been provided to make many hypothesizes in order …show more content…

Blumenthal and Malcolm N. Blumenthal, focuses mostly on the multiple genes in asthma and other disorders This third academic text is titled “Genetics of Asthma”. The authors, Jacob and Malcolm Blumenthal, believe that, while a lot of the information that is already know helps tremendously, “A deeper understanding of these genetic bases and the roles that environmental factors play in the development and manifestations of these conditions will provide better methods of diagnosis and treatment” (Blumenthal). Blumenthal compares asthma to atopy and the skin test reactivity, the test for allergies by scratching the skin with chemicals of allergens, he speaks of the relatedness threw the similarities that they all share in chromosomal sites in atopy and asthma. It was also recorded in his research that even their phenotypes show similarities in different chromosomal areas. Blumenthal states that the explanation behind this is that both asthma and atopy are phylogenetic, meaning that they both need multiple genes to function. A better way to explain this is by giving an example of this. Imagine you have three different genes “a”, “b”, and “c” and they are all involved with the skin test reactivity. Without all 3 genes it cannot develop. At the same time to develop asthma you need genes “c”, “d”, and “e” while the gene “c” is needed for atopy to develop. You can go further into depth by saying genes “a” and “d” are needed for the development of the skin and genes “b” and “e” are needed for lung function. Adding this to the environment may cause a shift in the balance in the human body and bring about the gene “c.” Both asthma and atopy are connected disorders that are also connected to the environment. Because of these connections, they may interact with each other

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