
George Herbert Mead 's Theory Of Id, Ego, And Superego

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George Herbert Mead was a philosopher known for his ideas on how children understand roles and themselves in those role. Through his work he found that the self comes from society interactions when we are young. Though Mead’s work seems almost like a rewording or rethinking of Jean Piaget’s theory of the four stage of cognitive development or Sigmund Freud’s theory of Id, Ego, and Superego; Mead’s work is original and the similarities can be dismissed by what was going on at that time period. Mead’s work was the foundation of the symbolic interactionism theory, his three main concepts of that approach are preparatory, play, and game stage, and his theory can be seen in actions by gender roles. Sense George Herbert Mead’s work was the …show more content…

The second part of developing the self is the play stage. At the play stage children develop skills in communicating through symbols and role taking occurs (Marshall, 2013). They start to process the perspective of another person and then respond in such a way that person might or would respond from that imaginary viewpoint. Through this process children learn how to circumnavigate their social environments that they live in and interact with every day. The third part of developing the self is the game stage. At this stage, children understand society as a whole, that people preform in a way that they believe but as a social norm or what society expects from them, and that people take on several roles in society. Children start to understand that others have perceptive about them and must react to what they do or say and then react to these notices.
Mead then breaks down the self into two parts, the I and me. The I is the inner impulsive affinity of the individual which is similar to Freud’s Id. The me is society influence on the I, the generalized other, the organized set of definitions, the understandings and expectations with in the group the individual belongs, similar to Freud’s superego. Therefore, mead’s self would be the Freudian ego which is the part of the I which has been modified by the direct influence of the generalized other. While I can that Mead was taking a sociological view

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