drugrehab.org - How To Get Someone Court-Ordered Drug Treatment Watching a loved one suffer through the torture of addiction really puts people in a frantic and upsetting state of mind. This is especially true if your loved one refuses to see the danger of their addiction or won't go into a rehab center. Watching someone you love literally slowly killing themselves will stretch your heart and patience to their breaking points. However, it is possible to get a court to order your loved one into treatment, even if they themselves don't want to go. The process of doing this isn't easy and it will challenge your determination and your will. But it is often necessary to save your loved one from themselves. Even if they hate you for it at the time, …show more content…
After all, if they are being forced into treatment or are struggling against it, it may seem that the success rate would be rather low. The truth is, the effectiveness of court-ordered treatment hinges entirely on the motivation of the person involved in the treatment, rather than any outside motivators, such as law enforcement officials or promises from you and family members. For example, a study by the National Criminal Justice Reference Service, entitled “The Effectiveness of Coerced Treatment for Drug-Abusing Offenders” stated that while coercive methods of treatment, such as court-ordered treatment, were often effective ways to motivate a person to change, it is the person in treatment who “decides upon the outcome.” Essentially, if a person doesn't want to change or feels no need to change, they aren't likely to have much success. That said, court-ordered treatment is often effective as a way of shocking a loved one into understanding the problems their addiction has caused. It works a bit like an intervention in that they are presented with an ultimatum: change or face serious consequences. In the case of court-ordered treatment, these consequences are legal in nature, such as facing prosecution for drug-related …show more content…
If one method isn't getting through to the person, others should be tried out and integrated into the recovery schedule. This helps the person fine-tune their treatment and makes it more successful. It also gives them a feeling of control in a situation in which they may have little. Regular evaluation – Even when a person voluntarily checks themselves into a rehab center, their progress should be monitored. However, with court-ordered rehab, this process needs to be checked on a nearly daily basis. This helps gauge where they are at in the program and can make it possible to adjust the approach, if necessary. Basically, you are trying to make your loved one's stay during court-ordered treatment as comfortable as possible. They are likely feeling a bit of resentment towards you and the situation and need to feel like their best intentions are being kept in mind. If they feel punished or attacked, they will struggle against recovery. Give them a measure of control over the situation and adjust treatment to their needs and they are more likely to succeed. The Consequences Of Failing To Complete The
The treatment plan can help the case manager see if what are the needs and what are the strength of the client and also an opportunity to move on.
Another law enacted addresses mental health issues is Kendra’s Law. Under this law, mentally ill people generally respond well to treatment but are unable to maintain recovery independently (Evans, 2015 b; Brennan, 2009). Under Kendra’s Law, there is an established procedure is used for clients to receive and accept outpatient treatment (Evans, 2015 b; Brennan, 2009). Kendra’s Law established certain criteria that would allow the court to require a person to participate in an assisted outpatient treatment (AOT) if they meet certain criteria (Evans, 2015 b; Perlin, 2003). According to Perlin (2003), the criteria for a person to be court ordered to submit to AOT is that the person is at least 18 years of age and suffering from a mental illness
Drug and chemical abuse affect many families and that particular family that lives through a loved one who is an addict and the priority is to get help for the individual. In any intervention that involves drug addicts, a family's disposition is very important. Full recovery of any drug addict involves the restoration of the person's life as well as ensuring that those who are around the addict have the best ability when it comes to helping with abstinence which is a long-term goal. Abusers are often in denial or even believe that they are totally in control of their use of drugs
The first thing that I learned from this conversation was that the Harm Reduction program may not work in all clinical settings. Rusty Foster and Luis Lopez both commented that Harm Reduction may not be accepted in all settings, because it depends on the client’s assessment. For example, if a client is in a position where he/she needs medical attention, then Harm Reduction may not be the best intervention at the moment. The Harm Reduction program should be used if the client is willing to reduce their current addiction. I believe that case managers should not force their
Nevertheless, some situations, such as a participant in the program refuse to continue to participate in the treatment, will result in termination and likely lead to the individual being taken back into custody. But for someone who violates the terms of the drug agreement by relapsing will result in extending time adding to their time. But for someone who violates the curfew or show sign of disrespectful to other people in the program will result to freedom being taken away like he or she cannot use a cellphone for two weeks, wash all the dishes, no tv privileges. Furthermore, when it comes to this drug court being successful in this program require successful completion of all the program is contingent upon remaining drug-free and without arrest for a specific for a specific period of
Attended all treatment group as scheduled and actively participated in the group discussion and provided supportive feedback to others group members. Client is in compliance with treatment and all his legal mandates, and appears to be in the action stage of change. Overall, client is making steady progress in treatment.
Drug courts offer intensive supervision, and intensive care. Drugs/alcohol offenders come under the court's administration immediately after their arrest and, throughout the phases of the program. Defendants/Offenders are expected to attend treatment meetings, undergo strict drugs/alcohol testing, before meeting judge regularly to determine whether their intensity needs to be increased or reduced after they have demonstrated significant and consistent progress in the treatment program. Those who fail are given the chance to undergo the program again or be incarcerated.
The use of mental health courts has been growing in the U.S., which has led to the discussion about how the mental health courts further promote medicalization of deviance; this is true. As outlined by Tammy Seltzer (2005), mental health courts have only been successful due to failures in the
When someone you love is suffering from addiction and won 't seek help, it 's easy to feel helpless. In this situation, you have undoubtedly been tempted to find a legal way to force them into rehabilitation. However, this may not be an option in your state. In fact, it may not even be the best choice. Understanding this treatment technique can help you decide if it is necessary or if other approaches may be more valuable to you.
In Peele’s article, he provides very strong evidence that medically treating abusers is not particularly fruitful. He believes that people who abuse drugs as a way of escaping or dealing with life’s pressures do so because they can’t cope and that it is not a treatable medical problem. He states that approaching the War on Drugs with more treatment will not help us win the battle. These approaches only distract our attention from the real issues of addiction. Peele says that research has proven certain characteristics of the person are crucial to the outcome of the treatment in both alcohol and drug rehabilitation. Assuming that we treat offenders only with a medical disease instead of psychologically, we will not succeed in reducing
Mental health courts play a huge role in resolving court problems that continues to grow nationwide. Even though mental health courts share much in the same manner as other critical courts, imperative contrasts have developed. For instance, mental health courts differ as far as charges are acknowledged. These courts are not just strategies within the court system to framework a better reaction/response from the offenders or defendants with mental illnesses but are more so upheld and similar to programs that are identified as discharge and directional agendas for dysfunctional behaviors.
For those addicts who want rehabilitation, finding a bed in a treatment center is a challenge; thus, many become frustrated and continue on a path of destruction. If addicts commit a criminal offense, the courts provide assistance. Due to the over- crowding of jails and prisons, many states are increasing the level of supervision, the level of drug treatment, and the intensity of probation at the front end as a formula to put broken people on the right track, piece by piece.
According to the Mental Health Act (1990), a community treatment order offers a less restrictive alternative to being held in a psychiatric unit or facility. Introduced to the MHA in 2000, a community treatment order is a comprehensive plan of community-based care that sets out the criteria for the management and treatment of psychiatric outpatients (Byrick, K., & Walker-Renshaw, B., 2016). However, research by Mfoafo-M’Carthy and Williams (2010) has suggested that community treatment orders are unethical. Under a community treatment order, treatment typically requires an individual to comply with medications that a physician believes is necessary for their normal function in the community (Ontario. Ministry of Heath and Long-Term Care, 2016). The MHA has been termed ‘unconstitutional’ based on its violation of the human right to life and liberty by mandating that an individual participate in outpatient treatment (Picard, 2013), including medication compliance.
I attended Drug Court held at the Dunklin County Justice Center in Kennett, Missouri. Court was scheduled for 9:00 a.m. on June 14, 2017. I contacted Julie Spielman who serves as the Drug Court Administrator ahead of time to inform her of the assignment and to find out when the next meeting was. She was very helpful in providing me with various options of dates and times of available court hearings. She gave me directions to follow once I arrived at the Justice Center. Julie made me feel comfortable in attending. Observing Drug Court was very interesting and an eye-opening experience. This was my first time attending so I did not know what to expect. I expected to be in a court room with a judge and have various members of the community there to report on their progress. Phillip Britt, serves as the Drug Court Commissioner and he was leading court. He called each member up to the stand to report on their progress in treatment and to sign off that they were in attendance. I feel that Drug Court is very effective for those in treatment to attend. Along with their caseworker and the judge, members are held accountable to attend treatment, various meetings such as AA or NA, and encouraged to make positive choices to ensure sobriety. I observed that the court system works very well with the person in treatment. They work as a team to get the person sober and help them through treatment. The court system has strict guidelines set that each person must follow to graduate the
Scientific research shows that treatment can help many drug using offenders change their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors; avoid relapse; and successfully remove themselves from a life of substance use and crime. Treatment can cut drug use in half, decrease criminal activity, and reduce arrests. It is true that legal pressure might be needed to get a person into treatment and help them stay there. Once in a treatment program, however, even those who are not initially motivated to change can become engaged in a continuing treatment process. In fact, research suggests that mandated treatment can be just as effective as voluntary admission to rehab centers.