
Getting Things Wrong

Decent Essays

Teachers sometimes teach things based on correct or incorrect basis to cover the curriculum quickly instead of switching places with their students momentarily to understand the reasoning behind their misconceptions that caused their wrong answer in the first place. In “The Importance of Getting Things Wrong by Anya Kamenetz”, she argues using quotes from Philip Sadler, professor of astronomy and the director of the science education department at Harvard University, that “if you don’t understand the flaws in students’ reasoning you’re not going to be able to dislodge their misconceptions and replace them with correct concepts”. A more Socratic teaching style would both benefit teachers and students by allowing teachers to destroy any lasting …show more content…

He simply asked the class what they thought acceleration was and everyone responded saying that it was speeding up. He told us how we were all completely wrong and corrected us by saying that in science acceleration is either the process of slowing down, speeding up, or changing direction and noted that we only thought it was speeding up due to exposure to mass media. Wrong answers are encouraged in his classroom as an integral part of the learning experience instead of being shunned.The reason he taught us this way was under the premise that we would need to not simply just know the facts to pass the ap exam in the future but be able to completely understand why and apply them to complex analytical problems. For this reason he encourages if not demands that people ask questions and respond to his own throughout the lesson easily making him the best teacher I have ever had. In comparison when I took chemistry last year I felt that we were just simply learning the information reluctantly; we didn’t put much importance into the the reason why each lesson was important and had a harder time understanding the thought process that was needed to answer harder questions, which was well reflected in the test scores throughout the year. Clearly learning socratically, thinking analytically, and destroying any misconceptions in the

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