
Ghetto Bitches China Dolls Jennifer Pozner Analysis

Decent Essays

Rough Draft 2 Why do people think that ethnic stereotypes operate in the same ways for men and women? That’s just being ignorant in common sense. Honestly they may never operate in the same way for both genders. In “Ghetto Bitches, China Dolls, and Cha Cha Divas”, Jennifer Pozner makes it very clear that women in are judged heavily in a feminist point of view. Ethan Watters examines Joseph Henrich’s research and explains how researchers have failed to corporate how the connection between culture and cognition affect psychology.
In the United States, men and women have been in “competition” for a very long time. In my opinion the rights we have as Americans are already split between both genders, meaning we have certain rights that are specified …show more content…

The average women to me, not including the “unfit” to the extremes as in clinically proven too skinny or obese where you have medical problems and can’t live and support yourself to live, is around 5’ 3” tall or short whichever you prefer to say, 115 pounds, fit and in shape, also taking the smoking and drinking into consideration.
You may not agree with my opinion about the average male and female but it kind of gives you an idea of what I’m trying to explain how ethnic stereotypes do not operate in the same ways for men and women.
If a man wants to do something a woman does, even if they differ in culture, or personality, or religion, for a good purpose and hopefully vice- verse then by all means do it. There shouldn’t have to be negativity thrown at it just because someone or some people don’t …show more content…

Henrich and his fellow researchers went around the world. Supposedly it was actually only done on a roughly small portion of the world (in different places but added up to a small amount) which was assumed to apply to everyone but was not researched and experimented with Americans. They did use Americans for the experiment because Watters mentions it in his magazine “Being WEIRD: How Culture Shapes the mind” how the Machiguengas quickly heard about the “young, square- jawed visitor from America giving away money.” (pg.493). But they didn’t do research on Americans. Why

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