
Giovanni And Lusanna Case Analysis

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In order to write Giovanni and Lusanna, Gene Brucker had to rely on primary historical sources, such as notarial transcripts and Florentine catasto records, which provide information created at the time and place, rather than speculative information created later on, but were also subject to the biases of those whose testimony and information were recorded at the time. The archiepiscopal court transcripts written by notary Ser Felippo Mazzei offered Brucker the most direct and complete witness testimony available surrounding the legal case of Giovanni and Lusanna's marriage (Brucker, 123). The court case was handled by the court of Archbishop Antoninus, which kept records of the case beginning with the papal breve, which requested the case brought up by Lusanna be investigated (Brucker, 39). While the case was primarily handled by Antoninus's vicar general, Messer Rafaello, and Ser Felippo, the archbishop himself was also present for witness testimony (Brucker, 39). Witness testimonies are the only first-hand evidence available surrounding the case, and, paired with Brucker's research on the social standards of Florentine society, they provide a clear idea of the attitudes at the time toward the relationship of Giovanni and Lusanna. …show more content…

This information provides insight to the validity of some of the witness testimony, information on who lived in whose household, and can provide significant dates, such as the deaths of family members. Brucker suggests, due to the timing of his marriage to the noble daughter, Marietta Rucellai, which lead to Lusanna's legal complaints, that the deaths of Giovanni's brother and father lead Giovanni to rethink his relationship with Lusanna and accept responsibility for the reputational welfare of his family (Brucker,

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