
Girl Interrupted Mental Illness

Decent Essays

“Girl Interrupted” is the story of Susanna Kaysen a young women who is sent away to the Claymoore psychiatric hospital, after a nervous breakdown which ended with her overdosing on aspirin and washing it down with a bottle of vodka.
Susanna immediately feels out of place and protest, saying she is not meant to be there and that she is not crazy.

The film “Girl Interrupted” both promotes and combats stigmas in mental illness. In one sense, the film creates an open environment where mental illness is accepted and shows how even someone who looks and we perceive as normal, Susanna, can have mental illness. I think especially during that time that this movie was released there was quite a lot of stigma associated with mental illness especially towards women. …show more content…

Asking “How many guys would I have to sleep with to be considered promiscuous, textbook promiscuous? …10, 8, 5? And how many girls would a guy my age have to sleep with to be considered promiscuous? 10, 20, 109?” (Girl, Interrupted 1999). Although Susanna agreed with her diagnoses, with a symptom like “sexually promiscuous” which wouldn’t affect men nearly as much as women and would certainly not gain them the title of mentally ill.

The film creates a platform for feminism and especially women and mental illness. In the society that Susanna has grown up in she feels trapped to conform to a certain ideal. Throughout the movie, Susanna repeatedly says how she just does not want to end up like her mother. In some way by Susanna getting the title of “mentally ill” it allows her to separate her self from the traditional role of a women during this period and most importantly away from her fear of becoming her

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