
Glass Ball And The Law Of Attraction

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Glass Ball An idealist is a person who is guided more by ideals than by practical consideration; In other word, an idealist realizes that he or she can create there own world. Perception, ideals, and beliefs are what make people “failures” or “successful”; coincidentally, the definition of success and failure is also a perception. Diving deeper into this mysterious theory or fact, beliefs people have ultimately control what actions they take on a daily basis. An example of this, using a common fear with an estimation of 75% of people has, would be the glossophobia, also known as the fear of public speaking. If a person believed that public speaking is frightening and could ruin their reputation, then most likely he or she will avoid public speaking; conversely, if that same person believed that public speaking is fun and easy, they may be more inclined to giving a public speech without hesitation. (Glossophobia) …show more content…

To briefly touch on one, the Law of Attraction, it basically comes down to positive thoughts attract positive life experiences, while negative thoughts attract negative life experiences. Multiple famous and successful people believe in the idea of the Law of Attraction, some including Will Smith, Oprah Winfrey, Jim Carrey, and Denzel Washington. The reason I connect to idealism and the Law of Attraction is primarily because of its limitless power and opportunity to be and become the best version of you without the world’s bias of what you should be like. (The Seven Universal

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