
Glass Ceiling and the Effects on Women

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It’s 4:57PM and your superior has just emailed you and a fellow co-worker a project that is needed by 8AM tomorrow morning. You glance at the clock and realize you have two minutes before you must dash out of the office and rush 45 minutes across town to pick your child up from a daycare that closes in 30 minutes. Clearly, there is not nearly enough time to complete the request. You look at the office across from you and see your childless, single counterpart who simply smiles and says “…go ahead. I’ll handle the request”. All the way home you beat yourself up. Pondering how this will look to your superior? Will you look like a slacker or not be considered a “team player”? Or even worse… what potential promotion did you just …show more content…

Career outcomes require people to be proactive, take initiative and ask for a pay increase and increased work benefits. Men are more likely to be more aggressive and create their own opportunities to advance. “Social mores and male attitudes make an effective barrier to women rising above certain points; this tendency brings to mind a glass ceiling” (Toussaint 1).
To illustrate how Glass Ceilings are created, consider the following: Circa 1992 – Woman, mid thirties, recent graduate from prestigious Business school with a BS in Accounting, attends a mandatory job fair and interviews with a university placement counselor. This recent graduate has an impressive resume, which lists her outstanding academic achievements. It is clear to the interviewer the graduate’s ability to multi-task while raising a family, working part-time and managing classes. Most of the attendees at the job fair are male, mid-twenties, aggressive and with similar academic achievements. The advice from the placement counselor was honest and straightforward, so he thought. The counselor stated to the graduate, “Thirty something married women with families will rarely progress as a manager in a large company. Most women in this category are placed in small to mid size companies as a Staff Accountant, Full Charge Bookkeeper or possibly mid-level management in a Human Resources Department with limited advancement.”
That statement could have been viewed as a self-fulfilling

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