
Global Ethics Issues Of Flo Essay

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Global Ethics Issues Fairtrade is trying to Address There are variety of ethical challenges that FLO is trying to address and since inception in 1988, have managed to solve some of them. They also comprise the challenges that befell farmers while using the traditional approach. The first ethical issue that FLO tries to address is transparency. Transparency shows a true reflection of facts as they are and this ways prevents situations of mistrust. The concept of transparency is linked to good corporate governance. In this situations, the companies and middle men that form the agricultural chain supply should provide farmers with the right market prices for their produce and supply the right input to ensure efficiency. For instance, if they are providing high-yielding seeds they should so and not take low-yields and pass them as high-yield. According to Nayak (2014), the conventional system has continued to increase the number of middlemen and this has increased the opportunities for cartels who reduce the prices for farmers and increase the prices for consumers. FLO ‘s goal is to provide accurate and comprehensive information in an accessible manner. According to the website, “all terms and conditions of Fairtrade transactions are detailed in contracts” which are signed by both the farmers and buyers (Fairtrade International 2016). Providing fair prices for farmers is another issue for FLO. This is because unlike most vocations, farmers cannot set prices for their produce.

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