
Globalism Vs Globalization

Decent Essays

Nationalism and globalization are two major opposing forces in the world today. Greg Ip (2017) writes that the backlash against globalism, the belief that globalization is natural and good, individuals on both the right and left, because they don’t see globalism as an ideology. Ip (2017) argues, and in this solid recounting of the rise of globalization, he shows that individuals have not only been blinded by globalization but also to the fact that anti-globalists have both economic and social concerns. Ip (2017) continues with, not all those against open borders are intolerant, and globalists must re-examine their policies to regain the public trust; there may be room to meet in the middle. Ip (2017) argues for the interpretation of recent events as an ideological struggle between the supporters of globalism and nationalism and not in terms of the traditional political contrast of the left vs the right. For instance, in the united states there is a strong sense of nationalism when it comes to how many United States (U.S.) businesses conduct their business through manufacturing of their products through foreign countries because of the cheap prices. An abundant of the nationalists in the U.S. feel as if these companies are saving cost with production in foreign countries at a cost of “lively hood” to many American citizens who miss out of a job.
Globalism triumphed over various nationalisms because of basic economic reasons for it such as benefits from division of labor,

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