
Goal : Act As A Lead Magnet For New User Sign Ups

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Goal: Act as a lead magnet for new user sign ups

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Title: Top 10 Ways to Shorten the Length of an Eye Exam Appointment

Patients know the importance of an up-to-date eyeglass prescription, but there are many times they avoid appointments because of the length of time an exam might take. From sitting in the waiting room, to the time spent during the exam, patients want to get in and get out. After a long exam, patients enter the frame selection portion of their exam feeling frustrated and overwhelmed.

There are a few different ways you can shorten your exam times, though. By taking an honest assessment of your exam process, you’ll be able to cut down on the length of your eye exams, which will give your practice several different advantages.
Patients will appreciate that the time they spend with you is focused on them. They won’t feel as though they are wasting their valuable time; instead, they’ll appreciate that you understand the importance of their time and schedules.
Patients will be more likely to refer their friends and families to your practice, knowing that they’ll receive the same quality treatment and care. Many don’t want to send referrals to a place where they don’t feel comfortable; creating a positive environment that puts the customer first will see your referrals grow.
More efficient exams will give you more time to dedicate to your practice. Whether you choose to finish the projects you’ve been meaning to start, enhance your

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