
Goethe In The Roman Countryside By J. H. Tischbein

Satisfactory Essays

Painting analyzing
The painting that I chose is "Goethe in the Roman Countryside." By J.H.W. Tischbein, 1786. I think it captures the movement with the location that it is at and with the way the person is posing. The outfit he has on also indicates that he was from this particular era, including the big attention seeking black hat. If you study the background carefully it clearly represents the Romantic Period right down to the nail. The part that confuses me about this painting is that it is a male in it when a female would have portrayed this part a lot more conveniently and made it easier to understand. I just think that the fact that there is a man in this role makes the photo a lot harder to dictate the era and what is going on. With

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