
Going To College Research Paper

Decent Essays

College started out as a place for a very small elite group of people but it has turned into a rite of passage that most anyone can do now. From kindergarten to senior year people are pushed to meet state requirements so that they can attend college. It is just that a college degree does not guarantee success, even though that is exactly the message that has been fed to students all throughout their school careers. In a way people are raised and pushed to go to college because of social expectations. It is an huge pressure that most people deal with, but what is the purpose? Does everyone really need to go to college to get a degree that they might not even use? People get to become well rounded in college, but there are down sides. Sometime …show more content…

Going to college can help create a better lifestyle. “You'll can earn more money. For a lifetime of work, a high school graduate will earn, on average, $1.2 million, according to a 2010 report from the U.S. Census Bureau. But the average college graduate will earn $2.1 million”(Rinaldo). One important aspect of going to college is becoming a well rounded person. A college education can open many doors in a person’s search for a career. Through out a college career people are able to explore a wide range of classes and might just find something they love that they never knew about. People also learn the basic things to help them hold a normal everyday life. They also get to encounter people from different life styles that might influence or help them along the way. College can also help transition into you into adulthood., if you move out of your parents house and you will have to learn how to manage your money. College also can give you more freedom, but also with that new freedom they have to learn how to budget their time, they will have to get their selves to classes, work and also make time to get their …show more content…

College has a romantic haze around it but it is very expensive. Many people become in debt from all the loans they have to have in order to go to college, “Half of them will drop out, studies show, and that will leave them much worse off than when they started. Grants are sizable with students eligible for up to $5,500 a year from the federal government and often thousands more from their state”(Carr). Then people are stuck the rest of their life paying off school that they did not even get to use. Also it make take years for someone to reach a certain degree that they may like, but when they go to work in that particular field they might hate it. Some times you do not need a certain college degree to make good money in the real world. People take that money they would have use for college and invest it in stocks and another job someone could do is become a entrepreneur. Doing this people are already investing in their life and making money. Some people are just not college material, they just learn better hands on. Those people end up doing better working their way up the ladder than they do sitting in a classroom and taking test. Some people get so stressed out over taking a test that it just becomes to much for them. Learning is not something that everyone does with ease. College is like having a full time job, but people have to pay

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