
Comparing Macbeth 'And Gone Girl'

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The Comparison of Gone Girl and Macbeth Gone Girl is a bestseller and loved by millions, it compliments english literature and course themes. Grade 11 courses would benefit from replacing boring, old Macbeth with the thriller, Gone Girl. Not only is Gone Girl an overall better, more intriguing book, it also has more of an educational value when compared with Macbeth. It has many ties into the established curriculum and creates better learning opportunities. Both students and the school system would greatly benefit from swapping Shakespeare's Macbeth with Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl. The Storyline of Gone Girl makes for such an interesting read, far more intriguing than Macbeth. Without incorporating the educational ways Gone Girl is a superior …show more content…

From a learning standpoint Flynn uses more literary and rhetorical devices in the text. Students find this book easier to analyse and have more understanding of the devices being used because of how prominent they are, while in Macbeth it is extremely difficult to identify the use of any elements. For example Gone Girl is written using many examples of symbolism, set into the story to give Nick and Amy’s struggle more emotion. For example In the Punch and Judy story, Punch kills his child, then murders Judy when she discovers what he’s done. He then goes on to encounter a police officer, a doctor, a hangman, and even the devil, and beats all of them to death with a club. The person getting away with murder in Gone Girl, though, is Amy as Judy, instead of Punch. Besides the obvious similarities with the story she makes up, Amy has other reasons for choosing Punch and Judy as a symbol. The puppets are also a metaphor for Amy's manipulative tactics and her attempts to control people. In Macbeth there is some symbolism. The hallucinations Lady Macbeth's endures symbolize guilt. These symbols are hard to pick out of the text, and do not allow students to analyze the literary elements of the play. There are other symbols such as the weather, for example when it is very stormy while the murder of King Duncan is committed, this is a more obvious example and does not require students to think and decipher the text. The way of …show more content…

It compliments english literature and course themes. Not only is Gone Girl a more immersive and complex read, it’s educational value compared to the established curriculum is more compatible than Macbeth. Overall the book creates better learning opportunities for students while the readers get to read an amazing novel. Grade 11 courses everywhere would greatly benefit from replacing the outdated Macbeth with the psycho thriller, Gone

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