
Good Bye Lenin Quotes

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Good Bye, Lenin! is a humanist piece about the problematic nature of nationalism, set in the backdrop of Berlin during the fall of the Berlin Wall. The overarching points of the movie are concerning the disillusionment of childhood and the loss of personal identity and pride. Much like a freshman in college, the main protagonist, Alex, is expected to live in a partially socialist society, and through childhood indoctrination and misplaced motivation, comes to believe that his work and effort will one day grant him his dream. Much like a senior in college, Alex finds out that his childhood dream will never come true, the bulk of which can be attributed to a financial system no longer able to provide for its people and an administration that would rather punish its impoverished as opposed to admitting any level of responsibility or proposing any real long-term solutions. During this traumatic period in East Berlin, Alex goes on to watch horrible things done to his people in the name of loyalty and patriotism. After watching her son get arrested, Alex’s mother has a heart attack and slips into an eight-month coma. Alex’s mother had been very idealistic and pro-communist since their father …show more content…

Despite his enormous hardships in this time, the family adjusts and comes to feel that their old life was absurd and tacky, childish even. As if despite being told since they were children in a socialist country that one day they could grow up to learn from a prestigious institution, only to find out in several months that they had simply wasted their time and a good deal of their mother's money holding onto a dream that was never more than the exaggerated demand from a parent to her child in her desperate attempt to live vicariously through his success and share in his

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