Most of my co-workers demonstrate good listening habits. One particularly conscientious co-worker exhibited excellent listening skills. She was my source for a detailed report. Upon entering her office, she gave me her full attention. She made good eye contact and listened attentively to the criteria for the report. She paraphrased my request, and asked for clarification on a few details. The resulting report was exactly what I asked for. Another co-worker presented a different listening experience. While providing guidance for a procedure, I noticed she was distracted and impatient. She made no eye contact and otherwise seemed disengaged with the activity she clearly thought was unnecessary. She was inattentive and only pretended to understand
The city of New Haven, Connecticut has been a long-standing settlement. Established officially by Europeans in March of 1638 (Source 3), New Haven has a detailed history of population declines and growth. The territory that is now New Haven was once inhabited by the Native American group the Quinnipiack (Source 6). The accrual of land was easy for the English settlers in this territory due to the conflicts between the Native American groups. The Quinnipiack tribe occupied the area near the harbor and the Mohawks and Pequots occupied the surrounding area and constantly harassed the Quinnipiack. When the English arrived the Quinnipiack traded their land for protection, which the English agreed to immediately. Through the years the settlement of New Haven has grown and declined in population due to different factors including political, economic and many more.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” –U.S. Constitutional Amendments
Firstly, it is not enough to be a good listener, one has to be an active and deep listener, with the true ability to understand what the other person is saying (Marquis & Huston, 2015). A servant-leader does not interrupt to argue, validate, or refute points, but allows free expression of the person to whom they are listening (Hunter, 1998). This demonstrates a contemplative as opposed to a reactive style, which builds trust with other people. When we have truly understood and not just heard our patient,
My facilitator didn't really have to address concepts revolving around being cultural competent; therefore, this lead to her not having to really address it as the other facilitators did. But I am beyond sure she would have addressed it well, if she had the chance to. This is judging off the level professionalism she put on display, throughout her facilitation.
Active listening will show Florence that I am interested in what is being discussed, even if afterward I change the topic. I will always make a comment about what she was saying before I change the topic. I will use reflective listening by summarizing what she says. This will demonstrate that I am listening, builds rapport, and creates empathy by showing that I understand what is said. It can also ensure that the information gathered is accurate. I will listen to what Florence says and then summarize what the she said and ask her if that is correct.
Since portfolio 1 and researching how to improve my active listening whilst at work and towards other colleagues, I have found myself making more of an effort to engage with others in my workplace, by asking them questions not only about work but their personal life too. This has then lead to me being able to practice my active listening skills but showing positive body language, nodding, laughing and maintaining eye contact, rather than turning back around to my desk which I did previously to try multitask with work responsibilities. I have also turned down the radio or sometimes ask to turn it off so that I can hear others in my organisation (who sit further away) talk to me. I have also practices not interrupting an example of this is when
Active listening is an attentive and interactive form of listening. One of the primary objectives of active listening is establishing and achieving empathy among all parties engaged in communication together. The words a person uses during communication are important, yet active listening includes listening to a person's words as well as interpreting and intuiting what a person feels and thinks. Active listening is a highly engaging activity. Active listening requires the person doing the listening to have a very keen awareness of all aspects of the communication. Active listening then is a sensory activity that challenges the listener to see, hear, sense, perceive, understand, feel, empathize, and reciprocate.
Recall & describe two specific incidents from any of your jobs, or school situations, in which you had difficulty listening effectively. Relate these examples to the class readings for this chapter. Remember to use in-paper citation format. (Minimum 60 words). Include word count at the end
I used personal discipline to accomplish learning the assigned methods, techniques, and songs. I was able to control myself to separate social time and working time by setting my mindset with daily goals. When I get to class, the first thing I do is take out my self reflection sheet. The worksheet helps me keep organized with the goals I achieved and certain areas where I need to improve or get feedback from others about my music skills in playing.
The book titled “The Lost Art of Listening” by Michael P. Nichols. A helper is expected to know the importance of being a good listener. Not being heard limits the client responsiveness and the simplest things from distractions, looking around and interrupting are some of the negative helpers’ actions that can trigger a sense of rejection. The sincerest helper actively listens which motivates the client and make them feel valued. The significant aspects of listening are to obtain knowledge and to be fully available to someone who is speaking, not to switch the conversation to yourself that will cause misunderstandings. (pages 9-24) Being understood is critical and very important to us. Listening is a major key to the development of healthy
Virtue ethics is a theory that usually has a role of character and virtue in the world of moral philosophy rather than either doing one’s duty or acting in order to bring about good consequences. In some article they said that some people that give professional advice about moral are called virtue ethicist. When talking about virtue ethics theories, you need to understand that it came from Aristotle who declared that, “a virtuous person is someone who has ideal character traits.” He also said that these traits are originated from natural internal tendencies, but need to be cherished; however, once established, they will become stable.
I learned many different skills by participating in this activity. I raised my confidence level and became more comfortable in providing recommendations to the patients. I am confident that I will be able to talk to the patients, review their medication list, inquire about their allergy information and based on all that information I can easily provide recommendation and counseling to the patients to fill in there gap of knowledge. I have also improved my active listening skill through this activity. Being a health care professional it is very important to actively listen to the patients to identify their problems and concerns. For example, if you are not an active listener and you do not identify the problems that the patient mentioned (when
The ability to listen well is an important tool for understanding others. Sadly, very few people know how to listen well. In fact, most people can think of only one or two good listeners in their lives. Listening is not simply agreeing - it is much more. Good listeners are able to better understand and respond to others, complete assignments accurately, settle disagreements before they escalate, and establish rapport with difficult people.
This essay was researched and written by a first trimester diploma student and it will discuss the importance of listening skills in health professional and the barriers that exist. As health care professionals, whichever field of healthcare one belongs, one is required to have effective listening skills. These skills are important when interacting with co-workers, residents and the management. This essay aims at looking at the importance of listening skills to a health professional and the patients. Listening skills are also important in becoming a creative problem solver. It will look at the benefits of listening that exist for both the patient and the health professional.
Listening is an important form of communication. Unfortunately, many people who do not know how to listen believe they can listen well. They often say "I have been doing this all of my life of course I can listen". Listening is not inherited, or a personality trait, it is a skill that must be worked on and practiced.