
Good News/ Bad News Business Letters

Satisfactory Essays

From: Jackson []
Sent: Mon 06/15/2008 3:13 PM
To: Rachel Cohen[]
Cc: Subject: Recommendation for the position of Assistant Buyer

Mrs. Cohen,
I am pleased to recommend Jennifer Ramirez for the open position as assistant buyer in the women’s sportswear division. Mrs. Ramirez started working for us as a temporary hired sales clerk in the designer sportswear boutique of our main store in Miami during the busy 2006 Christmas season. During this time, she proved to be a valuable asset with her quick and friendly demeanor, that we decided to retain her after the Christmas season and offered her a fulltime position.
As her manager, I can honestly say she has by far been the …show more content…

Mrs. Ramirez has quickly proven herself to be a valuable talent in our department. Furthermore, she has demonstrated to be an important asset not only to our department but to the company at large. Her attentiveness and eagerness to learn coupled with her affable attitude has made her one of the most knowledgeable and friendly workers I have had the pleasure

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