
Good Or Bad For Organizations

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PPACA: Good or Bad for Organizations Ultimately I feel PPACA is bad for organizations. I’m very aware of the good things the government and states are attempting to assist with, but I feel this is only being done to lighten the burden on employers that may possibly go out of business due to new costs associated to the mandates. I’m hopeful that the tax credits will alleviate the burden in the short run, but I am convinced that funding cannot and will not last for more than 3 to 5 years. Beyond that I’m certain that the federal funding will scale back significantly putting employers in yet another bind in years to come. This will be bad for organizations that have made plan design decision to play versus pay. It may require them to change their game all together which will disrupt and confuse their employees and likely contribute to the benefits and HR teams creditability toward organizational decision made. Additionally, I’m fearful of what the PPACA’s effect will have on the Cadillac tax. Many employers are already cost-shifting and removing value-added items from their medical plan packages to reduce the worth of the plan. To this day I do not understand what the Cadillac tax’s underlying purpose is, why would the government care if an employer can afford to offer an excellent benefits package? Then, charge employers a lot of money for doing so. Presumably plans that are too rich encourage overuse of care, such as unnecessary tests and hospital visits that raise US

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