Credits Value 3
Level 2/ 3
The principles of infection Prevention and Control
To cover assessment criteria, learning outcome and knowledge
LO 1.1, 1.2
1) Explain employees’ roles and responsibilities in relation to the prevention and Control of infection. To control and prevent the spread of infections in the work place and have good personal hygiene at all times making sure you use the right p.p.e and discarding all materials in the correct and safe way.
2) Explain employers’ responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control of infection.
To provide up-to-date and correct training along with p.p.e and materials to do our job safely.
LO 2.1, 2.2
3) Name two pieces
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The use of gloves, aprons and gowns are used to stop the Spread of infection and contamination. When giving personal Care and to be discarded when you Have finished with each Client so as to stop the spread of Infection and contamination to yourself and others.
9 State current relevant regulations and legislation relating to PPE Health and safety at work act 1974 Health and social care act 2008
10 Describe employees’ responsibilities regarding the use of PPE.
It is the responsibility of the employee to use p.p.e at all times for the protection of themselves the clients and the safety of others.
11 Describe employers’ responsibilities regarding the use of PPE.
It is the employers roll to supply all necessary p.p.e to their employees.
12 Describe the correct practice in the application and removal of PPE.
Always wash your hands before putting on the p.p.e once you have finished doing what you needed to do remove your apron then
Your gloves being the last thing to remove once you have disposed of them correctly wash your hands again.
13 Describe the correct procedure for disposal of used PPE
You should dispose of your p.p.e it to the yellow waste bags.
14 Describe the key principles of good
As a health care professional, I will help to ensure that work environment is safe by following the rules. Trashing materials in appropriate cans is the most important for all employees in the building. Knowing my responsibilities for my own health and safety in the workplace. If I found something unsafe condition, I will report immediately to my employer. Using personal protection equipment is important for your own safety.
Different gloves should be used for personal care and food preparation to avoid cross contamination. Gloves and aprons should be disposed of at the end of each call. Hands should be washed on entering and leaving each call and after smoking and eating. Hair should be tied back if it is mid length or long. Tissues should be used if coughing or sneezing and disposed of and then hands should be washed.
As employees we must ensure we attend all necessary trainings that our employers provide regarding infection control and
1. Explain employees’ roles and responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control of infection.
Once the dressings were securely on and the procedure had been finished, I removed my apron and gloves and disposed of them in the plastic bag, along with everything thing else I had used and then washed my hands again. After leaving the patients home I discussed my practical experience with the Nurse who informed me that I although I had carried out the procedure well it was actually carried out using a clinically clean technique rather than the Aseptic Non Touch Technique as I had thought. As I had used the same gloves to remove the dirty dressings from the leg ulcer and then apply new sterile dressings I had not maintained the Aseptic Non Touch Technique. The Nurse informed me that this was perfectly suitable for the procedure I carried out as the wound was still kept as clean as possible and dressings and equipment used were sterile.
• To adhere to the post holders own responsibilities for health and safety within the workplace and to colleagues, service users, and the general public.
Describe the roles and responsibilities of personnel in relation to infection prevention and control in a health or social care setting
All areas that are being used for healthcare activities should be cleaned with either disinfectant wipes each morning and in between patients/procedures. Equipment should be all new out of the packets and clean. For things more major such as vasectomy’s, minor surgery or family planning clinics, areas should be cleaned everywhere with a disinfectant fluid and also with wipes, gloves should always be worn as well as other PPE such as aprons and hats. All equipment should be new from the packet and only touched by the person who is using
| State why and when health and safety control equipment, identified by the principles of protection, should be used relating to types, purpose and limitations of each type, the work situation, occupational use and the general work environment, in relation to:– collective protective measures– personal protective equipment (PPE)– respiratory protective equipment (RPE)– local exhaust ventilation (LEV).
1. Explain the employee’s roles and responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control of infection.
1.1 Explain employees’ roles and responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control of infection
* Take responsibility to ensure the staffs are given appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision in order to comply with Health and Safety rules and procedures.
1.1: Employees rights and responsibilities in the relation to the prevention and control of infection are to follow company’s policies and procedures, keep themselves safe and others, report any hazards which could lead to infection, attend relevant courses, use the PPE provided, keeping the work environment clean and tidy and to maintain good personal hygiene
Wash your hands and all of the equipment with mild soap and water. As a final rinse on the equipment, use deionized water. Dry all equipment thoroughly.
§ Comply with and health and safety regulations and co-operate with your employer in his or her attempts to provide a safe working environment