
Google Case : Google, Inc.

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Running head: Google

Case Study: Google, Inc
Lionell Henderson and Leon Tate Northwood University
DeVos Graduate School of Management
Cedar Hill, TX
Dr. Adam Guerrero, PhD
MBA 662- Satisfying Shareholders II

April 22, 2015

Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Google has long held a very human-centric point-of-view, and their mission statement reflects their dedication to user experience in their promise to “provide the most relevant and useful search results…independent of financial incentives.” To date, Google has four major areas of focus: establishing and improving web search capabilities, development of innovative search domains, grow through advertisement, and create relevant software applications. Our objective of this case study is to apply learned concepts by examining some of the issues that Google will face going forward and proposing alternative actions for a sustained competitive advantage.

Executive Summary
The mission of Google- “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”- is broad enough that it allows for Google to use any means possible to organize information. This means that they are neither limited to, search nor are they limited to using the internet in its current form. Google has long held a very human-centric point-of-view, and their mission statement reflects their dedication to user experience in

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