
Government Funding Of The Arts

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People like to receive help no matter what the cause may be especially with money. The NEA does exactly this to help artists. They help promote and fund as well. The NEA is the best government funding system for artists. Not only painters but also art museums are always looking for the NEA’s assistance. As it has been observed for years, the NEA funding has made a significant impact on the art we see today. The Government funding of the Arts is beneficial because they show care for what they display to the public, they are responsible for donating well amounts of money in grants, and they allow artists freedom of expression.
The NEA has made it very clear that not all art should be shown to the public’s eye. They agree some pieces are not …show more content…

Some people might argue and say that the funding of The NEA is bogus. Brooks mentions, “Last year [1994], $123 million in NEA grants leveraged more than 1.3 billion” (Do Public Subsides Leveraged Private Philanthropy for the Arts?). Obviously, the NEA takes its promoting responsibilities very seriously as they are donating these millions of dollars in grants. According to Brooks he states, “They were in some way responsible for the generation of more than 10 times as much in non-NEA donations” (Do Public Subsides Leveraged Private Philanthropy for the Arts?). This statement is excellent in proving how much care and admiration the government funding of the NEA has show to the public. The NEA has most definitely proved themselves to be a good partner money wise therefore, it is no question as to why many citizens rely on their support.
Although sometimes citizens are misunderstood or misjudged, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and thoughts. According to the Los Angeles Times they stated, “people, who now are free to decide for themselves which art they will view and which art they will ignore” (Los Angeles Times). This statement explains why the NEA is not in any way forcing artists to paint or draw what they feel is appropriate or would benefit them. They allow the public to make the choice for themselves on what they would like to view. Daniel

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