
Grace In The Seven Grocery Mountain

Decent Essays

The Effects of Grace in The Seven Storey Mountain
Throughout The Seven Storey Mountain, the operation of Grace, which is the unmerited and freely given love of God, is shown to greatly influence Thomas Merton and bring peace to his ever complicated life. Merton’s life was an example of how it is necessary for someone to embrace and accept religion in order for them to truly be happy. The operations of Actual and Sanctifying Grace in Merton’s life proved to be the solution to the predicaments that he had been having such as his depression and confusion in religious identity. Merton’s life also raises the question of whether or not it is necessary for someone to have God’s Grace in order for them to be happy. The closer Merton was to God, the …show more content…

It enables us to carry out his work and is given to us at times of religious celebration such as Christmas when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Merton said “I had been in Rome before, on an Easter vacation from school, for about a week. I had seen the Forum and the Colosseum and the Vatican museum and St. Peter's. But I had not really seen Rome. This time, I started out again, with the misconception common to Anglo-Saxons, that the real Rome is the Rome of the ugly ruins, the hills and the slums of the city” (Merton 107). When he first went to Rome he never explored its religious parts, as he said, “But I had not really seen Rome”. When he started to explore the churches and appreciate the masses, he enjoyed his time there further. Merton’s life was influenced by Actual Grace during his time in Rome when he experienced the mystical sense that his deceased father was there with him, leading him to “really pray”, as he says, for the first time. This Grace enabled him to see how empty his life had been and to ask God to deliver him from his …show more content…

It is the Grace of salvation that must be maintained throughout a person’s life and is given to us when our spirit is weakening. Dying with Sanctifying Grace is what allows you to enter heaven or purgatory if you have sins that need to be cleansed. Merton experienced God’s Sanctifying Grace at Columbia University when he was reading a book about a man’s conversion to Catholicism when he suddenly had the desire that he should also follow that path and join the Church. Merton said “Our nature, which is a free gift of God, was given to us to be perfected and enhanced by another free gift.” (Merton 185) This free gift is Sanctifying Grace. He was given Sanctifying Grace and embraced it which pulled him closer to God through his conversion experience. This Grace was what gave him the strength to search for God and it was at Columbia University that he first discovered Catholicism in a real sense. His life was starting to feel like it had purpose

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