
Gracewood Student Scholarship Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Concerning financial assistance, I am my mother’s oldest child. Therefore, I’ll be the first of my siblings to attend college. Due to the leadership position I carry over my younger sibling along with my yearning for more knowledge with rigorous criteria, I want to attend an accredited college. However, I’m associated with a racial minority group as an African American female. Therefore, I’ll be under-represented in school. On another note, I’ve been tremendously active in extracurricular organizations throughout my instruction resulting in multiple payments for dues, field trips, etc. Since my mother spends the bulk of her money on bills and student loan repayments, I’ve had to work starting at 11 years old to afford the activities that had my interest. Subsequently, every summer I’ve earned money by working extra shifts to eventually cover a portion of college tuition, fees, housing, books, and meal plans. Unfortunately, I cannot cover all of my schooling expenditures. Therefore, I am seeking financial aid. …show more content…

The Gracewood Student Scholarship can provide an opportunity to accomplish my goals while gaining experience of my future career where I can focus on my studies without worrying about earning extra

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