
Graduation Speech: A Visit To The National Slave Museum

Decent Essays

I want to start by thanking you for visiting the National Slave Museum here in Washington D.C. and welcoming you once again. It’s my pleasure and honor to personally walk you through my favorite room here at the museum, the Hands On Room. I find hands on learning to be beneficial and the most fun way to learn, plus not many museums allow you to touch things so if you enjoy this type of learning as well, you chose the right place to be today. This room gives you an insiders feel on a slave’s day to day life, from where they slept, to where and how they worked, to what they wore. As you enter here, you’ll notice on your left is a small cabin, which is a recreation of a cabin where slave’s would typically live. Follow me and we can walk through it so you can get a good idea of what the inside would look like. Some masters would allow certain slaves to live in …show more content…

For the women, dresses, and for the men, pants and shirts. Grab one that catches your eye if you would like, and there is a mirror to the right of the clothes to look into. Finally, here in the middle/back of the room is a recreation of a sugar cane mill. Here, slaves would be worked overwhelmingly hard to quickly process sugar cane. If we have any brave volunteers, you can try to push the logs on the mill here to turn the mill, which would then crush the cane and create juice which then is used to make sugar.

List of artifacts:
1. Recreated slave cabin: this cabin will give a feel to how slaves lived compared to todays traditional way of living.
2. Wooden chimney in the cabin: portrays the cabins easiness to catch on fire and little effort or care put into the living condition of slaves.
3. Glassless windows: representing poor slave quarters that were poorly constructed with the least amount of necessities.
4. Gardening tools: the tools and the opportunity to use them to rake the garden displays the type of work slaves did during that

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