
Graduation Speech : College Is A Huge Goal For My Life

Decent Essays

Five years ago, I was just an outgoing, blonde, bucktooth, oddly proportioned, junior-high student-athlete that always told myself my only real job would be to find a rich husband that would take me on tropical vacations each year and never have to work a day in my life. When teachers often asked us what we wanted to be I was quickest to have an answer, “a trophy wife” is what I would shamelessly say. As soon as that phase paced, I knew I had to start seeking and setting some realistic goals for myself but wasn’t sure how to start. I knew I needed to go to college, but I wasn 't positive what I wanted to pursue until this year. College is a huge goal for me knowing that I grew up in a financially struggling house. Now that I know what I …show more content…

Regardless what the relevancy of the class is to my major, I will still keep in mind that I am taking the course for my best interest to further my academic education.
On top of studying, I want to keep a part-time job nearby the University, would like to play in intramurals, and also join a sorority. This will allow little time to be flexible, thankfully, flexibility is my number one strength. I am everywhere and anywhere within a day, which helped me meet a lot of great friends, which lead me to another top strength, which is communication. Communication flows effortlessly for me, when things come up in this crazy life, I talk through it to see what I can do, and even give a lot of advice to my friends. I’ve gotten more practice with these valuable strengths by working part-time as a dietary aide at a retirement center, playing sports, and being in multiple clubs such as FBLA, FFA, FCA, Choir, SADD, Teammates, and Spirit Club. While participating in sports and clubs, you have to be willing to compromise what you want to do with what you have already committed to doing. This means if you are wanting to do something else that you may not have ideal time to do, you have to be flexible enough to do it in between practices/games, homework, family time, social life, and getting a healthy amount of sleep. Sleep for me is often sacrificed the most. Flexibility will always be a positive strength, however, although communication is a

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