
Graduation Speech : Education Before Work

Decent Essays

Education before work When considering to take a job before or instead of going to college you should think of the almost 40 thousand dollar per year pay difference that a college graduate and a high school drop out have. When you join the workforce right out of high school or instead of high school you essentially cut off any of the connections you can make through college because not only is college a source of knowledge is a source of connections. Throughout college you have experiences and classes that prepare you for the rest of your life and the career path you want to follow this is something major you might miss out on if you go straight into the workforce. Not only do you miss out on all of these experiences and connections education is a major part of everyones it effects who we are and it is something we continue to experience even after college. With all of this being said I believe that no matter what you are going to be better off in life if you focus on your education and finding yourself before entering the workforce full force.

To begin with it is where we make most of our connections that we will eventually use later in life, being either a shoulder to lean on or a hand to extend help. The connections not only help you get through college in a uncomplicated manor as well as help you finding a job in your field

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