
Graduation Speech : Mechanical Engineering

Satisfactory Essays

Everyone has the inevitable question to answer at some point in their lives: “What do I want to do with my life?” When I was sitting in my desk in high school, I had nothing on my mind except for girls, sports and messing around during class. I soon came to realize when I took the ACT that I need to figure out what I want to do with my life because sooner or later my high school days were going to be over. I have always been involved with Engineering throughout my life since my father and grandfather were both engineers. There were a number of factors that pulled me to Platteville and made me choose Engineering. These factors include my family background, my ACT math score, desire to learn about engineering, and engineers make a fair amount of money. The starting wage could range anywhere from $50,000 to $60,000 (2015 Engineering Salary Statistics)! Mechanical engineering is a very diverse field that is needed for design, and manufacturing devices and parts for much larger systems. These devices and parts are designed to function, be visually aesthetic, and withstand the elements or function without any breakage for necessary periods of time. An example of what a mechanical engineer might design for a large system such as a space craft are all of the micro-scale sensors that go into it. Engineers foster everyday devices also, such as refrigerators, microwave ovens, sound instruments, communication devices and methods, modes of transportation, and copying/printing machines.

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