
Graduation Speech : School Rules

Decent Essays

I attended Cook Elementary for my fifteen hours of observation. The classroom lighting was dim and not too bright. As I entered classroom 114-116 there was a achievement board to my left displaying the students’ successful and accurate complete classroom and homework assignments. And on my right there was a chalkboard filled with so much information that it was overwhelming to me eye. The chalkboard was divide up into several section. The information on the chalkboard varied from very important to the students’ minor activities for the day. The board had the students daily evacuation plans, school rules, classroom rules, motivational words, students’ task pad, data sheets of every students’ education progress, students’ parent information, magnetic clock, ABC and number chart, math charts, lesson plan, calendar, day of the week and free activity time chart. As I continue into the classroom, I noticed some numbers on the floor. The number on the floor is for the order of how the student should enter and exit the classroom. On the back left-hand side of the classroom was the students’ art hanging on a string. And there was a computer and four laptops on the front left side of the classroom. There was a portable dry erase board, rocking chair, tent chair, ball chair, and several containers of materials to teach the classroom. This classroom look like it was equipped to teach a whole neighborhood of children. I saw the present of one teacher Ms. Grieman, and two assistance

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