
Greek Mythology: Hermes And The Greek God

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Greek Mythology provides numerous facts about Hermes, including his alternate names and family relations. The man also known as Mercury is the son of Zeus and Maia. In addition, the source offers insights into his character and personality. Hermes protects travelers, thieves and athletes, but he is also known to be each of those. He is the link between the Olympians and mortals and guides souls to the afterlife. Originally, I thought Hermes was solely the messenger of the Gods. Due to this website, my knowledge about Hermes now encompasses a wider range of facts. He is more than just a messenger, but a traveler and protector as well. This credible website is a great tool for my research because it provides many stories and characteristics about my Greek God. The source offers objective facts rather than biased opinions. I would recommend this source to those seeking information about the Greek God Hermes. …show more content…

For instance, I discovered that Hermes is the God of boundaries and transitions. He is one of the few Gods who can move freely between the realms of the Gods, the mortals and the underworld. He also can leave the underworld without exception. He had varying interests and tricked others for his own amusement. Although a God is supposed to be viewed in a favorable light, Hermes has been known as the patron of thieves since his birth. He stole cattle from Apollo and claimed to be innocent. In addition, the source provides symbols that designate the Greek God, such as the lyre and rooster. Due to these facts, I am able to present a quality presentation covering the Greek God Hermes. This source provides numerous and interesting facts about the God, which will help my presentation cover a broad range of

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