
Roman Myths

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Intro - In 1955 poet and scholar Robert Graves wrote: “Myth has two main functions, the first is to answer the sort of awkward questions that children ask …The second function of myth is to justify an existing social system and account for traditional rites and customs”. Myths have played a large role in many societies over time. Two societies that are known for their mythology are the Ancient Greeks and the Romans. There are many similarities between the myths of these two societies because the Romans enveloped much of the Greek mythology to use as their own. Because of this, it is interesting to take a look at how Greek and Roman mythologies compare. In addition to this, it is important to explore how these myths influenced their respective …show more content…

More than patriarchal stories of rapey gods, useless stereotypical damsels and masculine ideals of heroes, Roman mythology influenced Roman society and Roman individuals. Whereas the most popular religions today are monotheistic with Gods who do not exhibit human traits except when they are being dicks, Roman mythology was polytheistic and contained deities with human characteristics as well as the qualities of psychopaths depending on the source. Romans were able to feel a personal connection with their gods in terms of similar motivations and fears, hopefully of love, hate, pride and jealousy and not connection with the rape and murder and fear of being raped. Contrasted with the message of some religions today, more than anything Romans took the lesson from their gods to meet destiny with strong wills and …show more content…

Roman mythology has a lot in common with Greek mythology. Sometimes it is directly plagiarized, sometimes merely combined with an original Roman myth. The two most influential Roman writers in terms of Roman religious beliefs were Ovid whose Magnum Opus Metamorphoses created the canon of the history of the world for the ancient Romans and Virgil whose epic The Aeneid tells the story of the most famous Roman hero, the trojan warrior Aeneas.

The common theme of intervening gods can be found in nearly all religions but Greek and Roman mythology are perhaps the most famous for gods who actively meddle in the plans and goals of other deities. Rome as known today was founded a good bit after many Greek city states had become established. The values of Greek society were then transposed onto Roman society, values such as art, philosophy, literature and drama. Greek mythology was well known but it was warped to fit a Roman

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